Jeremy Yeung - 1st place Finisher LUNAR I

“Start with an achievable target and remember to have fun.”

Almost There, Keep Going

Start with an achievable target and remember to have fun.”

TRAILME: Will you tell us a little bit about yourself? How did you begin running?

I started running around 2013, and started trail running about six and a half years ago. The distance at the very beginning was around 20 kilometers, but I’ve completed three 100-mile races since then.

TRAILME: You had an amazing run the other day. How often do you train? Whats your routine like?

I run every day. Every month I’ll run around 500 kilometers, that’s my normal training plan. I usually run twice, once around lunchtime and once in the evening, so about 16 kilometers every day. Hong Kong is great that way. We are very near country parks. When I practice about half of the distance is trail running and the other half is road running. And sometimes I head to the sports track to train.

TRAILME: Do you ever take your daughters outdoors with you?

My daughters are one and three. My one-year-old is just learning how to walk, I usually take them to the park, and hopefully when they’re older we can hike together!

TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?

That would be the Lunar Trail Challenge 1.

TRAILME: What is the next race youre planning to join?

The next one is the Lunar Trail Challenge 2 in late January, so I’m training for that. Because we won’t have any course markings, and it’s at night, you have to be familiar with the turning points and directions. I’d like to run the whole route at least once before the actual day.

TRAILME: What is your running theme? How do you motivate yourself when you run? Any favorite music?

I never listen to music when I run. I like to focus on my running pace, especially at night. I’ll check to see if my current pace follows my plan. Sometimes I’ll think of some lyrics, rather than actually listen to a song. I just watch my pace and keep running. If anything, I’ll tell myself, you’re almost there, keep going!

TRAILME: What was your most memorable experience on your trail running journey?

It would have to be the UTMB, I finished the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc in 2018. On our journey as trail runners, most of us want to go to Chamonix to finish the 100-mile UTMB challenge. And it’s an amazing opportunity because it’s so different from races in Hong Kong. The trail, the temperature, and the environment are all a big change from what we’re used to. In August in France it’s normal for the temperature to be around 10 degrees Celsius, whereas in Hong Kong, we’re used to 30 degrees Celsius at least. The highest point in Hong Kong is about 1000m, the altitudes in Chamonix are so much higher. So it’s a very different and challenging experience. But it’s a lifetime experience I would recommend to any trail runner. One time at least!

TRAILME: How do you keep yourself up-to-date with upcoming race information?

To be very honest, none of us know how 2021 is going to pan out. Will we have any races? Will we run without masks? We’ll have to wait and see! I’d thought of maybe going to Italy to run the Lavaredo Ultra Trail (LUT) in 2021, but in the short term, it’s just to stay in Hong Kong and keep training.

TRAILME: Do you use any sports apps or wearables when you go trail running?

I usually use my Garmin watch and Strava, like most runners. It’s easy to monitor my heart rate, pace and altitude gain.

TRAILME: Any advice for runners just starting out?

I’d recommend that they just monitor themselves, and don’t force themselves too much. Enjoy your running. Sometimes you feel like training, sometimes you don’t. I like to reflect that the reason I run is that I enjoy it. Having a good habit and hopefully getting enough exercise to keep myself healthy. Start with an achievable target and remember to have fun!

Thank you so much Jeremy. Thank you for making the time. We wish you all the best for Lunar Trail Challenge 2!



Our Rock n Roll Running Pal

Interview done by TRAILME with Elvis Geronimo

“Running makes me feel alive, even if I'm tired after work. It’s a way for me to stay positive in the midst of the pandemic.[1]

TRAILME: First, you have a great name! Tell us a little bit about yourself. Why running? What else are you passionate about?

I was born and raised in the Philippines. Currently, I reside in Hong Kong with my family and work as a chef.  Running makes me feel alive, even if I’m tired after work. It’s a way for me to stay positive in the midst of the pandemic. Aside from running, I’m also passionate about cooking and traveling to other countries. So far, I’ve been to Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand. I also return to the Philippines every year to visit my daughter and relatives. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my travel plans this year after COVID. Which means more time for running!

TRAILME: You had an amazing run the other day. How often do you train? What’s your routine like?

I run 4-5 times a week, that includes one long run on the weekends, depending on the condition of my body. Sometimes I choose to take a day off to do other activities, maybe a hike or a walk in the park.

TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?

My most recent race was the Lunar Trail Challenge I. It was my first race since I started running in April.

TRAILME: What is the next race you’re planning to join?

My next race will be the HK100 Flex in Jan/Feb 2021.

TRAILME: What is your running theme? How do you motivate yourself when you run? Any favorite music?

Life is short, enjoy running while you can. If you have a goal for yourself, go for it! Every time, I just focus on completing the distance I intend to run, say 10 or 15 kilometers, while listening to “I Can’t Breathe” by Dax.

TRAILME: What was your most memorable trail running experience? What was the most challenging? 

My most memorable experience would be the time I ranked 2nd in the Lunar Trail Challenge 1. I really didn’t expect to be a top finisher. I sprained my ankle three times during the race!

TRAILME: How do you keep yourself updated with upcoming race information?

I mostly hear race news from friends or social media.

TRAILME: Do you use any sports apps or wearables when you go trail running?

Yes, I do. I first started using Relive. Then I switched to Strava because it gave me further analysis on my running — pace, distance, and speed. A few months later, I bought myself a Suunto watch so I could measure my heart rate and navigate routes more easily.

We wish Elvis the very best for his next run. Stay healthy, and keep running!


"THANA" - First HK36 Female Finisher (36km)

Interview done by TRAILME with Aleli Pena

TRAILME: How often do you go to trail running trainings?

Aleli: Only Sundays and Public Holidays.


TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?

Aleli: Officially: HK100

Unofficially: TransLantau100 (canceled due to COVID)

(I did the OTW 2019 unofficially too; cancelled due to the protest and TNF100 to qualify for the Grand Slam 😊)

Or HK36 and HK20 if virtual races counts? 


TRAILME: What is the next race you planned to join?

Aleli: I only am registered for Oxfam and Gurkha Trailblazer this season due to the uncertainties of races taking place.


TRAILME: What is your running theme?

Aleli: You signed up for it, you gotta finish it!


TRAILME: What is the most memorable experience in your trail running journey?

Aleli: I am divided between my first OTW and first solo ultra with HK100 coz:

OTW: I’ve led the first all female and all domestic helper team in Oxfam history with only a 12km race experience under my belt.

Trained myself and my team mates and hiked (no idea about trailrunning by then coz I thought OTW is hiking only 😅)  the route all the way to finish line at 32 something hours finishing time.

Or HK100: I have been offered a slot to give it a try by Marie McNaughton but initially I declined coz I was scared of the dark but she said there’ll be lots people  which I found out true when finally persuaded and that I have to run as fast as her to be left alone in the dark haha. I fast walked the first 2 sections then got embarrassed when everyone was running except me haha. So I tried to run too and oh boy I didn’t know I can!

I run as fast as my legs allowed me without any regards about pacing and stuff coz what do I know about running, I was only a hiker! Was having lots of cramps and limping like a grandma since Gilwell Camp and struggling with pain especially on the downhills but never gave up and is determined to push until I drop. I was in so much pain I couldn’t even pretend a grin for a finish line photo haha but thankful I still made it sub-24. Got to rest for 2 weeks though coz my left knee was painful but equally thrilled too to find out I can run!


TRAILME: How do you keep yourself updated with the upcoming race information?

Aleli: I am subscribed to newsletter from Racematix and Race Timing Solutions plus I check out the HK Race Calendar online.


TRAILME: How do using sports apps or other wearables assist you in trail running?

Aleli: GPS watch is a good thing to have as it monitor heartbeat, pace and download routes for easy access. Strava is good too but not as important for me.


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Jessie Cheung

Interview done by TRAILME with Jessie Cheung

TRAILME: How often do you go to trail running trainings?

Jessie: 2-3times


TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?

Jessie: The Beast Trail 50k in May 2019


TRAILME: What is the next race you planned to join?

Jessie: Rebel Walker in December or HK100 in Jan 2020, if they can happen...


TRAILME: What is your running theme?

Jessie: Follow my own pace.


TRAILME: What is the most memorable experience in your trail running journey?

Jessie: My most memorable race was The Beast Trail 50k. It was described as “the hardest race in Asia” which has very technical trail and lots of elevation in the deep forest in Taiwan. The finish rate was less than 30% in the past. I struggled to fight the cut off time at every check point and managed to arrive the last check point just 3 minutes before it was closed. I am proud of myself for not giving up until the last minute and finished the race in the end.


TRAILME: How do you keep yourself updated with the upcoming race information?

Jessie: From Facebook, friends’ network.


TRAILME: How do using sports apps or other wearables assist you in trail running?

Jessie: Sport watch is convenient as we can get lots of performance info spontaneously. And they are waterproof, so we don’t have to worry about raining. Strava has leaderboard so you can compare your performance with others.


Ken Lam

Interview done by TRAILME with Ken Lam

TRAILME: How often do you go to trail running trainings?

Ken: I go to trainings twice per week at minimum.


TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?

Ken: It was the UTMB in September 2019.


TRAILME: What is the next race you planned to join?

Ken: It will be the UTMF 2022.


TRAILME: What is your running theme?

Ken: 堅持堅持再堅持。(Persist, persist, persist.) Don't stop until it's done.


TRAILME: What is the most memorable experience in your trail running journey?

Ken: UTMB is my most memorable trail race. It was hard, long, and lot of unexpected weather change.


TRAILME: How do you keep yourself updated with the upcoming race information?

Ken: I usually visit race organisers’ Facebook page or email notifications. The drawback though is I have to take the initiative to get the information. If I don't do that, then there will be a risk for me to I miss an update.


TRAILME: How do using sports apps or other wearables assist you in trail running?

Ken: I use Garmin. What I like most is it keeps all my training and race records. It's very detailed including the Google map so I know where I've been to do that practice or race.



Oscar Lee

Interview done by TRAILME with Oscar Lee

TRAILME: How often do you go to trail running trainings?

Oscar: One time per week


TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?

Oscar: HK100 at Jan 2020


TRAILME: What is the next race you planned to join?

Oscar: Oct - LT70, Raleigh Challenge, Jan - HK100


TRAILME: What is your running theme?

Oscar: Don’t think you can’t make it, just think how you can make it.


TRAILME: What is the most memorable experience in your trail running journey?

Oscar: 2018 HK100 - that race was one week after HK standard chartered marathon, I have only 5 days’ rest.  During the race, I don’t set any target to chase, just follow my heart and condition to run.  But finally, I can finish and get PB in HK100.


TRAILME: How do you keep yourself updated with the upcoming race information?

Oscar: I got the information from official web of the race.


TRAILME: How do using sports apps or other wearables assist you in trail running?

Oscar: Using the apps for tracking, it can provide me not only the information of the track, but also the performance.  It includes my pacing, heart rate, elevation. It will be a measurable data to understand my status and the space of improvement.


Joseph Li

Interview done by TRAILME with Joseph Li

TRAILME: 請問你一星期訓練越野跑嘅次數係幾多?

Joseph: 1-2


TRAILME: 請問你對上一次參與越野跑比賽嘅比賽名稱同埋日期係幾時?

Joseph: 20201月的HK100


TRAILME: 請問你計畫下一次比賽嘅名稱同日期係幾時?

Joseph: 今年的毅行者


TRAILME: 請問你自己跑步嘅theme或者motto係?



TRAILME:  請問你最有感觸/最光輝嘅越野跑經驗係點嘅?

Joseph: 舊年我參加左一場迷你四徑的比賽,係行九龍坑加八仙嶺的,在盛夏的八月舉行。雖然之前都行過條路好多次,但比賽當日好熱同晒,我行到黃嶺時已經係中午時分。如果大家行過個邊,都知道條路係無遮蔭。因為之前練習不足,去到八仙嶺前已經差唔多中暑,幸好水是夠的,只能每隔一會找個地方坐一坐,cool down一下再慢慢行落去。行到仙姑峰的時候,見到一位師兄已經中咗署,暈低左起支bill隔離,好彩佢仲清醒,其他師兄姐就幫他擔遮,潑涼,報警後幸好不久飛行服務隊就來到,帶佢去醫院。感觸的是行山比賽很多時會碰到突發事件,在山上如果遇到意外,無人幫手係好危險的,家人亦會擔心自己。除了自己小心以外,如果科技上能夠令家人同大會都知道自己的進度,從而提升到大家的安全,我覺得是一件非常好的事。


TRAILME: 請問你如何讓自己隨時了解到即將舉行的賽事或者賽事更新的資訊?

Joseph: 通常是靠朋友介紹,好玩的話就一齊報名。


TRAILME: 請問你認為使用跑步apps或者其他穿戴式產品有什麼好處?

Joseph: 可以知道自己跑步距離,配速,心跳等。朋友間亦見到大家的練習量和路線,見面時可以有多些話題。


Eva Wong

Interview done by TRAILME with Eva Wong

TRAILME: How often do you go to trail running trainings?

Eva:  Peak season 4days, now 1 day per week.


TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?

Eva: My last race was TNF50 Dec of 2019.


TRAILME: What is the next race you planned to join?

Eva: Rebal Walker, Mar of 2020 originally, may suspend to Dec of 2020 because of covid-19 , but it doesn’t seem optimistic.


TRAILME: What is your running theme?

Eva: Running is about meditation, trekking is about connect to the nature, trail running means meditate and connecting with the nature. The most important is eating without guilty.


TRAILME: What is the most memorable experience in your trail running journey?

Eva: Definitely TNF100,  I get in the spot for 3 consecutive years , they are 2016-18, it is not only one of the hardest course in HK, but because the difficulty about the lottery, this is not easy get in 3 years continuously, at least my boyfriend failed.


TRAILME: How do you keep yourself updated with the upcoming race information?

Eva: Newsletter of the RaceBase or Racematix


TRAILME: How do using sports apps or other wearables assist you in trail running?

I think there are 3 points. First, Monitoring and design the training schedule, prevent overtraining or Insufficient training. Second, Sociability like a “Sport’s social media , you may upload your training or races in those media, tell your friends and get or give feedback from them.  Last but not least, the security for planning a route, sometimes we would try the different route, small trails which are not in the main trail like MacLehose or Wilson trail, we may plan the route by my own, it minimises the risk.
